My wife is eight months pregnant with our baby boy now. Till now, we are still grappling with the question of why do we want to have a baby.
Based on my limited understanding of the meaning of life, I told my wife we should give our baby a chance to enjoy life like what we have been given by our parents. Life, be it happy or sad, smooth sailing or filled with obstacles, is always a wonderful experience.
Then there is this secretive selfish reason of mine, which is too shameful for me to admit: To prove that I am capable of becoming a father. Yes, it’s a male ego problem, to prove that my organ works.
As MY baby grows bigger and gives my dear wife much physical pain, this guilt of not being able to do much grows larger too. Yes, it’s my entire fault dear. I know your back hurts. You have stretch marks on your belly. It’s ugly to wear bikini in future. You have difficulties sleeping at night. Our baby son seems to know that it’s world cup season and he starts to kick whenever he hears soccer fans cheering on TV.
But I have my pain too. I have to come up with the money to cater for OUR baby’s need: Hospitalization bill, delivery bill, baby’s bed, clothing, pram, education for the next twenty years at least, etc. etc. Is that heartache or what?
Okay, okay. I promise I will spend time taking care of our boy whenever I am not on flying duties, okay?
If you look at ‘the big picture’, we have limited resources in this world. Adding another number to the world’s population will only aggravate the over population problem. On the other hand, having more babies will help solving some of the economic problems we have in this graying population. That’s how this ‘baby bonus’ in taxation comes about. No, nope, we are not having a baby because we want our kid to take care of us when we are old. Although if he can buy me a condominium with a big swimming pool or that dream car of mine, a BMW 7 series, will be nice. (See? Being selfish again.)
Famous author Deepak Chopra said “Kid, you are here for a reason.” (Reference: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success for Parents by Deepak Chopra) Famous Daddy to my kid says, “Son, please don’t ask daddy what is the reason. Coz daddy doesn’t know the reason too!”
(Thanks to all my friends who have contributed their babies' photos to this blog! Cute, aren't they?)
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